The political process witnesses a stalemate, and military conflicts remain active in Syria
The UN Special Envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen said on Tuesday that the political process has witnessed a stalemate and there has been no satisfactory results for the Syrians, while military actions remain active throughout Syria.
Pedersen explained to the UN Security Council in his briefing on Syria that the areas of northwest Syria have recently witnessed fighting between factions, and that the eastern areas have been witnessing tensions between Turkish forces and the Syrian Democratic Forces.
He also talked about the security situation in Daraa city and its countryside, pointing out that the Daraa has been constantly witnessing ambushes, assassinations and explosions, and that the “Islamic State” organization, despite the restrictions on it, still poses a serious threat.
Pedersen expressed his concern over the humanitarian situation in all Syria, especially in the displaced persons camps in areas north of Syria, noting that there is a severe shortage of livelihoods due to the high prices of food and fuel, which have recently reached their highest levels.
Pedersen stressed that the Assad regime continues to pursue the policy of arbitrary arrests against civilians, and six months after the amnesty decree, the independent monitoring has not been allowed to work.