Washington emphasizes the need for reauthorizing cross-border humanitarian aid delivery into northwestern Syria
The US ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, called on the UN Security Council to adopt a resolution that permits humanitarian aid delivery into northwest Syria via Bab al-Hawa border crossing with Turkey.
Greenfield said in a press conference Tuesday on August 1, that the pen holders of the Syrian file have been working to pass a resolution permitting humanitarian aid delivery into Syria.
Greenfield pointed out that the UN is also negotiating with the Assad regime to reauthorize aid delivery mechanism, according to “Al-Araby Al-Jadeed” newspaper.
Greenfield added that “Russia should assume its responsibilities on the ground as it vetoed a resolution that allows 12-month extension of aid delivery, and since that time no assistance entered through Bab al-Hawa crossing.”
According to the ambassador, Russia will not authorize another resolution that did not give it all the benefits it was asking for.
Greenfield affirmed the need for a Security Council resolution that allows cross-border aid deliveries monitored by the UN, so it can deal with any party.
Greenfield made it clear that Russia is blocking this resolution although it doesn’t fund, pointing out that Assad regime did not support Russia’s proposal.
Russia vetoed a Security Council resolution on July 11, that seeks to extend Syria cross-border humanitarian aid delivery mechanism.