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In English

The World Health Organization records 10,000 cholera cases in 7 countries, including Syria

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that last year there was large cholera outbreak, as seven countries reported10,000 suspected or confirmed cholera cases, including Syria.

The WHO stated that the seven countries, that reported10,000 suspected or confirmed cholera cases, are Afghanistan, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malawi, Nigeria, Somalia and Syria.

The United Nations organization made it clear that the number of cases reported last year was more than double of those reported in 2021.

The WHO pointed out that the world is on the right track this year to resume combating cholera outbreak.

The WHO warned that cholera disease has currently spread in 24 countries and some of these counties are in the midst of acute crises.

The number of countries reporting cholera statistics in 2022 has risen by 25% from 35 countries in 2021 to 44 countries last year, according to the WHO.

The Early Warning, Alert and Response Network (EWARN) announced Last August, that 3,790 suspected cholera cases were recorded within a week, bringing the total number of suspected cases to 117,195 in north-west Syria.

The EWARN pointed out that the total number of confirmed cholera cases reached 878, while 24 fatalities from cholera were confirmed since its discovery.

The major destruction of infrastructure, water and sewage lines in many areas of north-west Syria following the earthquake increases the possibility of a cholera outbreak.

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