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In English

The US Department of State announces its support for the popular demonstrations against the Assad regime in Suwayda governorate

The United States announced on Wednesday its support for the popular demonstrations that have been taking place in Suwayda governorate for 39 days, calling for the downfall of the Assad regime and implementation the UNSCR 2254.

This announcement came in a phone call by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Ethan Goldrich with Druze spiritual leader Sheikh Hekmat al-Hajri in Suwayda.

Goldrich affirmed during the phone call that Washington supports the Syrians’ freedom expression, including the peaceful demonstrations in Suwayda.

The US embassy said in a post on X platform, formerly Twitter, that Goldrich informed Sheikh al-Akl that Washington calls for a just and united Syria and a political solution consistent with UNSCR 2254.

Sheikh Akl of the Druze sect in Suwayda governorate, southern Syria, Hamoud al-Hinnawi, called on the Assad regime to meet the demands of the demonstrators in Suwayda, where the protests continue until today.

Al-Hinnawi said: “Assad regime should think logically and reasonably to meet the civilians’ demands because what the civilians wish is to meet their demands.”

Al-Hinnawi made it clear that the demonstrators will not resort to force and will not shed blood, since their main demands are to live in freedom and dignity, according to the Orient channel.

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