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In English

The Syrian Negotiation Commission calls on Pedersen to open the file of transitional governance in Syria

A delegation from the Syrian Negotiation Commission discussed with the UN Special Envoy to Syria, Geir Pedersen, the risk of reducing the political process in the Constitutional Committee in Syria.

This discussion came during a meeting between the delegation from the Syrian Negotiation Commission and Pedersen on the sidelines of 78th session of the UN General Assembly held in New York.

The delegation called on Pedersen to open other baskets, especially the transitional governance, in addition to increasing the support for Syrian refugees and ensuring their return with a comprehensive political solution that guarantees a decent life for them.

Pedersen previously said that he discussed the Syrian file with many ministers and senior officials from several Arab and Western countries during the 78th session of the UN General Assembly meetings.

Pedersen made it clear that all the discussions were based on the UNSCR 2254, and strengthening mutual international efforts to find a sustainable political solution in Syria.

Pedersen emphasized that civilians in Syria are living in very dire humanitarian conditions and we must move forward a political process that meets all Syrians’ aspirations.

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