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In English
أخر الأخبار

UN delegation visits Jabal al-Zawiya area in Idleb countryside for the first time

Activists reported that “The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the United Nations Department for Security and Safety (UNDSS) visited the cities and towns that were shelled on the front lines in southern Idleb countryside, including Ariha, Sarmin, and several villages in Jabal al-Zawiya.”

Humanitarian workers said: “UN delegation’s visit to Idleb countryside is a new and significant step to increase providing projects and aids to this neglected area as it is close to the flashpoints with the Assad regime.”

The workers added that “The UN delegation visited a water station project based on solar energy in Orem al-Joz town in Ariha city, funded by Syria Cross-Border Humanitarian Fund (SCHF) and implemented by the partner organization “People In Need”.”

The workers emphasized: “The aim of this mission is to measure the level of humanitarian response and the presence of humanitarian partners within the areas south of the M4 highway and to meet with local communities, local leaders and local councils to fully understand the situation on the ground.”

It is noteworthy that the areas of Jabal al-Zawiya host tens of thousands of civilians deprived of projects and humanitarian aid, after the region was deprived of any projects since the expansion of the Assad regime’s control into the region in 2020.

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