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In English
أخر الأخبار

One civilian was killed and others wounded in Assad regime shelling on Idleb countryside

One civilian was killed and others were wounded on Monday in Assad regime shelling on Idleb countryside.

Radio Fresh’s correspondent reported that Assad regime forces targeted with MD missile a car near Taftanaz city in northeastern Idleb, killing a civilian (a male nurse) and injuring others.

The correspondent added that the Russian warplanes carried out several airstrikes on the vicinity of Kansafra town in Jabal al-Zawiya in southern Idleb, however no civilian casualties were reported.

The Russian warplanes also targeted the vicinity of al-Ghasaniya village and kafr Adin village in western Idleb. No human casualties have been reported until now.

Syrian Civil Defence said previously in a report: “The military escalation in north-west Syria proves that Assad regime and Russia continue their war against Syrians, confirming the importance of urgent work to hold them accountable.”

The report urged the international community and the United Nations and all human rights organizations to take a firm stance to halt Assad regime and Russia’s attacks on more than 4 million civilians.

The report emphasized that the constant impunity permits Assad regime and its allies to continue shelling the residential neighborhoods, the vital facilities and the schools without any deterrence.

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