In English

The Access Center for Human Rights (ACHR) warns against deteriorating the racism phenomenon towards Syrian refugees in Lebanon

The Access Center for Human Rights (ACHR) warns against deteriorating the racism phenomenon towards the Syrian refugees residing in Lebanon.

(ACHR)’s statement came following the displacement movement in Lebanon’s southern areas due to escalating the tensions recently between the Lebanese “Hezbollah” and Israel.

The executive director of the (ACHR), Mohammad Hassan, said: “This discrimination has three forms. The first is to prevent Syrian refugees from leaving their houses, and then ordering them to leave from southern towns.”

Regarding the second, the director made it clear that it relates to rejecting the nearby towns to receive refugees, in addition to expelling them and preparing popular campaigns against them.

The director explained that many Syrian families could not leave the southern areas, and they need to put a real and effective emergency plan to help them.

According to security sources in northern Lebanon, the Lebanese army received orders to prevent Syrian refugees’ entry from the south to the towns and villages of northern Bekaa.

The sources made it clear that the identities of those passing through the checkpoints are checked, and if it is proven that they are coming from the south, they are asked to leave immediately.

The Lebanese authorities said that the number of Syrian refugees currently estimated about one and a half million refugees, while the number of Syrians registered by the United Nations currently reaches 759,000, according to its latest data, and most of them reside in the Bekaa and the north of Lebanon.

It is noteworthy that the Lebanese authorities launched in April massive raids to arrest Syrians who did not have residency or identification documents, which resulted in the arrest of about 450 Syrians, more than sixty of them were deported to Syria, according to a source familiar with the refugee file in a humanitarian organization.

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