In English

Demonstrations in As-Suwayda governorate call for the departure of Bashar al-Assad and the overthrow of his regime

Dozens of protesters in As-Suwayda city took the street on Monday and gathered at al-Karam square in the city center to participate in the demonstrations that called for Assad regime’s overthrow.

The protests at al-Karam square including crowds from different areas in the governorate. They called for Assad regime’s departure, political change, and implementation of UNSCR 2254.

Political activists in Suwayda city, southern Syria, suspended the general strike that began Sunday on November 5, in the region.

The strike was suspended to preserve the safety of people and to avoid Assad regime indulging the region in violence and fight, with the continuation of the protests in al-Sayr Square.

According to the statement issued by the protest organizers, their movement was due to “the Assad regime’s complete disregard for the protests that have been ongoing for nearly three months, ignoring the people’s exacerbating concerns and needs, and deteriorating the services.”

The statement made it clear that the strike aimed to end the authorization of al-Baath Party headquarter which is illegally and unconstitutionally dominated on all the government departments.

Civil groups and activists in Suwayda governorate issued a statement Sunday on November 5, in which they called on the people to begin civil disobedience and a general strike throughout the governorate, with the aim of achieving their demands in accordance with the UNSCR 2254.

The statement called for improving living conditions, improving and securing stolen rights, foremost of which is providing sufficient quantity of heating diesel for everyone within a period of one month only.

The governorates of Daraa and Suwayda have witnessed, since the beginning of last August, continuous demonstrations and protests, demanding the overthrow of the Assad regime, and chanting slogans calling for freedom and the detainees and calling for the unity of the Syrian people.

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