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In English

Washington carries out retaliatory airstrikes only against positions in Syria

AP agency issued a report, clarifying the reason behind the US airstrikes only in Syria in relation for the Iranian attacks that target US positions in Syria and Iraq.

The reason is mainly due to US’s desire not to spark the indignation of the Iraqi government through conducting strikes inside its border, according to the agency.

The report pointed out that half of the attacks against US troops’ positions were in Iraq, but the US responded by only carrying out airstrikes against positions in Syria.

The report made it clear that the US’s concerns over conducting retaliatory airstrikes in Iraq is the fear of causing violence and more attacks against US bases in the region

AP agency quoted US officials as saying that the strikes on Iran were a message to it to stop the attacks, pointing out that its strikes led to the destruction of the Iranian militias’ military stocks and made their sites unusable.

The United States imposed sanctions on 6 individuals affiliated to the Iranian-backed Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades due to their involvement in attacks on US troops in Syria and Iraq after October 7.

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