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In English

Syria is about to drag into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Russia’s UN ambassador, Vassily Nebenzia, said on Tuesday, 28, 2023, at the UN Security Council meeting that “Syria is about to drag into a large-scale confrontation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

Nebenzia added that the situation in Syria is getting worse due to the sever escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, like its neighbors in the region.

Nebenzia strongly denounced the Israeli airstrikes on Syria, considering these attacks as a flagrant violation of the main rules and sovereignty of the international law.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Maria Zakharova, has previously condemned the recent airstrikes on Damascus International Airport, which put it out of service, considering that these attacks could result in increasing regional tensions.

Damascus International Airport was subjected last Sunday, on November 26, to Israeli airstrikes, putting it out of service few hours after flights resumed as it was suspended for more than a month due to previous Israeli attacks.

It is noteworthy that the Israeli warplanes target frequently the positions of Assad regime forces and Iranian militias in Syria, and they often target the main airports in Damascus and Aleppo.  

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