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In English

MSF: The escalation of Assad regime in north-west Syria exacerbates the humanitarian crisis

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) organization confirmed on January, 5, 2024, that the escalation of Assad regime on the regions of north-west Syria has worsened the already critical humanitarian crisis.

MSF head of mission in Syria, Siham Hajjaj, said: “The hospitals suffer a great pressure due to the mass influx of patients and wounded.”

Hajjaj pointed out that the hospitals are short staffed and lack equipment. The psychological health is deteriorating because the communities have been subjecting to heavy and continuous attacks by Assad regime and Russia.

Hajjaj called on all parties to bear the responsibility to protect the innocent civilians who were victims to the attacks of Assad regime and its allies, in addition to protecting the hospitals and healthcare facilities.

Hajjaj emphasized that the continuous and systematic shelling of Assad regime led to shut down the schools and deprived the children of education.

According to Hajjaj, the military escalation of Assad regime in north-west Syria caused partial damage to the main healthcare center in Darat Ezza which is backed by MSF.

The cities and villages of Idleb and Aleppo governorates have been constantly subjecting to artillery and missile bombardment by the Assad regime and its allies, causing civilians casualties and damage to infrastructure and public facilities, the most important of which are hospitals and schools.

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