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أخر الأخبار

Sameh Shoukry: Gaza war and the military actions in Syria and Iraq portend an expansion of the conflict

Egypt’s Foreign Minister, Sameh Shoukry, warned against expanding Gaza war to include other countries in the region which is undergoing an unprecedented military escalation.

Shoukry said during a meeting with French foreign minister, Stephane Sejourne, that “The war launched by Israel on Gaza, the military operations in Syria and Iraq, and the tension on the Israeli-Lebanese borders, in addition to the threats of navigation in the Red Sea, all of them point out to exacerbating the situation slipping into wider conflict.”

Sejourne added: “We seek to avoid new escalation and we call for ceasefire in Gaza and dealing with other files from a comprehensive political perspective.”

For his part, Omani foreign minister, Badr bin Hamad Al Busaidi, considered that the US attacks on military sites in Syria and Iraq are useless at the present time.

Al Busaidi said: “Directing such strikes on sites in the region threatens their stability and complicates efforts to find solutions to the challenges facing the region.”

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