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أخر الأخبار

The Syrian National Coalition holds a workshop in Gaziantep to discuss ways for advancing in northern Syria

The Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC) held a workshop in the Turkish state of Gaziantep entitled “The Joint National Plan for the Advancement of Northern Syria – Integration of Roles,” with the participation of 39 Syrian civil society organizations, to discuss ways of cooperation and coordination and develop a joint action plan for the advancement of northern Syria.

The SOC said in a Facebook post: The participants discussed the necessary regulations to control the relationship and the necessities of integration, and studied the geographical sectors in terms of influence and human competence, in addition to personal resources and ways to fill the gaps.

The SOC made it clear that the workshop resulted in a number of recommendations in 6 sectors: governance, economic empowerment, infrastructure, housing, education, health, and rule of law.

The SOC pointed out that the participants agreed that each table that worked in the workshop would be represented by a colleague who would facilitate communication between each of the six sectors and the coalition, in addition to preparing a report that would form the nucleus of the national plan in the coming days.

SOC’s member, Firas al- Masri, confirmed that the discussions were constructive and important in various sectors, and that there is a follow-up to the recommendations that came out of the workshop in order to formulate and agree on them to be the starting point for cooperation to advance northern Syria.

The SOC held the first coordination meeting of the working group of civil society organizations, on December 13, 2023, in the Turkish city of Gaziantep.

The head of the SOC, Hadi Al-Bahra, emphasized at that time the importance of developing a comprehensive national plan in which all experienced institutions, organizations, associations, and individuals , contribute to its implementation in an organized manner.

Al-Bahra pointed out that living in the liberated north requires creating living, economic and service conditions, providing educational opportunities and creating job opportunities for young people, achieving security and justice in the region, and strengthening and completing the National Army project under the leadership of the Defense Ministry in the Syrian Interim Government.

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