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أخر الأخبار

UN warns against deteriorating the humanitarian situation in Syria due to underfunding

UN warned against deteriorating the humanitarian situation in Syria due to lack of funding allocated to help the people in need in the region.

The Deputy Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Syria, Najat Rochdi, said in a post on “X” platform: “The suffering and desperation are deepening among the Syrians due to deteriorating the humanitarian situation.”

Rochdi added: “We saw worrying developments on the ground, and we can’t neglect this situation because it only leads to further deterioration.”

Rochdi considered that the situation in Syria needs urgent funding so humanitarian assistance can reach the Syrians in desperate need.

Rochdi confirmed that the allocated funding for Syria reached the lowest level in history. She also called on all countries in the world to seek to deliver humanitarian aid for Syrians in need in the region.

Rochdi called on all stakeholders to deescalate to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure in line with the international humanitarian law.

It is noteworthy that the UN and international support for the Syrians inside and outside the region is continuously dwindling which leads to further deteriorating of the humanitarian and living condition.

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