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US-European statement: No normalization with the Assad regime until there is a political solution

The United States of America, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, said on Friday, 15 March 2024, in a joint statement that “There is no possibility of normalization with the Assad regime, no lifting sanctions, and no rebuilding Syria without reaching a political solution in line with the UNSCR 2254.

The four countries considered that the popular protests taking place in Suwayda province in southern Syria since several months demonstrate that the Syrian people’s demands for freedom and dignity that led to the eruption of Syrian Revolution in 2011 are still exist.

The statement added that the Syrians’ suffering has been ongoing due to the war that does not end that launched by Assad regime and ISIS. The conditions for safe return of Syrian refugees to their country are not available in recent time.

The four countries expressed their concerns over the threats of drug trade that Assad regime and its backed militias gain enormous profits from it to help them oppressing the Syrian people.

The United Nations said in a joint statement by humanitarian coordinators in Syria, marking the 13th anniversary of the Syrian revolution, that “13 years of the crisis in Syria have left unimaginable losses on the Syrian people,” stressing that humanitarian assistance alone is not the solution.

The statement pointed out that “The crisis continues to negatively impact Syria, exacerbating the humanitarian situation every year and undermining the country’s opportunity for progress,” adding that “needs have never been higher.”

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