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The people of Suwayda continue their demonstrations and female activists support the Three Regions Document

Hundreds of protesters from Suwayda city took the street in al-Karama Square on Friday, 12 April 2024, in a massive demonstration to continue their peaceful movement, demand political change in the country, implement UN Resolution 2254, overthrow the Assad regime, and hold Bashar al-Assad accountable.

A group of Suwayda’s women activists in al-Karama Square confirmed their support for the Three Regions Document.

The group said in a statement: “We view it with a lot of hope and optimism, and we believe that this type of practical, rational political action is an important step towards national democratic change that meets the aspirations of Syrian men and women and strengthens them.”

The group added that “We have followed the dialogues related to the document since its announcement, and we find ourselves in a suitable position to highlight some points.” First: “We welcome the position of our people in the occupied Syrian Golan, and the free people of the Syrian coast, to join the document, to restore the national democratic political path to its rightful place.”

Secondly: We look forward to continue disseminating the document, extending to the entire Syrian territory, and calling on the rest of the regions to join and contribute effectively to building a national political community that achieves the ambitions of the Syrian people.

Third: The statement praised the idea of nationalizing politics, and saw in it the return of the state to the ownership of the people, after the Assad regime and its affiliated militias had robbed it by privatizing and taking over it.

The statement pointed out the importance of the role of Syrian women in the process of democratic transformation, and their pivotal place in the contexts of freedom and dignity. The state will not be allowed to be monopolized by a party, group or religion, nor will it necessarily allow patriarchal policies, which means women’s active participation in politics and decision-making processes, regardless of the appearance she chose for herself, her religious affiliations, ethnicity, etc.

Fourthly, the statement called on the political blocs and movements in As-Suwayda Governorate, and in all Syria, to contribute to innovating new methodologies in political work, and to build on new and national ideas, and integrate with them.

Syrian intellectuals, academics, and activists launched on last March 8, an initiative to unify the national public discourse against the Assad regime in Suwayda, Daraa, and the northern Aleppo countryside, under the name “The Three Regions Document.”

It is noteworthy that the people of Suwayda Governorate have continued their popular uprising since August 2023, through daily demonstrations demanding the overthrow of the Assad regime, and the implementation of UN Resolution 2254, for a political transfer of power through democratic elections under the supervision of the United Nations.

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