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Idlib Health Directorate: We received a new batch of medicines to treat cancer patients in Northern Syria

Idlib Health Directorate said in a statement: “We received a new batch of cancer medicines provided by Qatar Red Crescent as part of the “Bridges of Healing and Hope” project to treat cancer patients in northern Syria.

The statement added: “The medicine batch contained 5600 doses which was delivered to oncology treatment centers supported by SAMS organization.

The statement pointed out that “the project supported by the Qatar Red Crescent aims to reduce the financial burden on cancer patients in northwest Syria by providing expensive generic medicines for free.”

The statement indicated that “Idlib Health Directorate pays special attention to the suffering of cancer patients, and constantly seeks to coordinate with the humanitarian partner with the aim of providing treatment to the patients.”

Qatar Red Cresent announced at the end of 2023 providing an amount of the vital medicines for cancer patients in northwest Syria worth $1 million.

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