In English

Syrian Negotiation Commission discusses with international officials the latest developments of the political process in Syria

The Syrian Negotiation Commission (SNC) held meetings with Western countries delegations and officials on the sideline of 79th session of the UN General Assembly and discussed the developments of political process and ways to advance it in addition to the issues of Syrian refugees, humanitarian aid, and the violations practiced by Assad regime against the Syrians.

The SNC delegation met with the German foreign minister, Tobias Lindner, and discussed with him the developments of the Syrian political process, prosepects to advance the political solution within the UN framework, and Germany’s position supporting the political solution in accordance with the international resolutions.

The SNC head, Bader Jamous, showed during the meeting the efforts made by SNC on the international level to mobilize the stances to push the political process forward which has been disrupted by the Assad regime.

Jamous confirmed that the SNC seeks to mobilize the support on the European level and within the Security Council to the advance the Syrian political process and set mandatory criteria to implement these resolutions to curb Assad regime’s evasion and non-compliance.

For his part, the German Minister stressed his country’s full support for the political solution outlined in the UNSCR 2254, pointing out that “this solution is the only way to achieve sustainable peace in Syria.”

The Syrian Negotiation Commission (SNC) delegation held a meeting with the Deputy Director of the Middle East and North Africa Department at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Guusje Korthals Altes. The two parties discussed the political process, supporting the UNSCR 2254, and the importance of achieving justice for the Syrians.

During the meeting, Jamous spoke about the Assad regime’s ongoing obstruction of the political process in a systematic and deliberate manner, and the Syrian opposition’s adherence to the political solution in accordance with international resolutions, most notably the Geneva Statement and Resolutions 2254 and 2118.

Jamous emphasized that the other international issues should not affect the solution track in Syria, and that international community should remain aware of the scale of the disaster the Syrians are going through.

For her part, the Dutch official stressed her country’s support for the political solution and the necessity of fully and rigorously implementing UNSCR 2254, emphasizing “the importance of accountability and transitional justice in the context of the political solution and achieving sustainable peace in Syria.”

The SNC delegation discussed with the Director General of Global Issues, International Relations, and Economic Affairs of the Republic of Malta, Neville Aquilina, the latest developments in the political process, the deteriorating conditions in Syria at all levels, the necessity of guaranteeing the rights of Syrian refugees and the risks of their forced return to Syria.

The SNC delegation recalled the European Union’s position “rejecting normalization with the Assad regime without making tangible progress in implementing UNSCR 2254, pointing out to the Syrian opposition’s commitment to international resolutions, while the Assad regime refuses to respond to them, despite international and regional consensus.”

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