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In English

In the presence of the Turkish President, the opening of the fourth largest bridge project in the world

Yesterday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan inaugurated the largest bridge project in the world, through video conferencing, from Wahaddin Palace in Istanbul.

Erdogan participated in the opening of the “Komorhan” bridge project between the states of Elazig and Malatya in eastern Turkey, which is the fourth largest bridge project in the world.

During the inauguration, the Turkish President delivered his speech, “The bridge project and its associated tunnels are one of the most important lines connecting eastern Turkey with its west, north and south,” adding that “the Komorhan Bridge is the fourth largest project of its kind in the world.”

Erdogan expressed his hopes that the project would be beneficial to Turkey and the Turkish economy, stressing that “we will take with all segments of the people in our country the necessary steps to establish Turkey’s greatness and strength, and through the reforms that we will undertake in the fields of economy and rights, we will develop our country in terms of investment, production, employment and freedoms.”

Erdogan stressed that his government is determined “to create an atmosphere that will contribute to facilitating Turkey’s access to its desired goals.”

The Komorhan Bridge is an important link between the four directions inside Turkey, as well as forming a link between Elazig and Malatya in eastern Turkey. It was built with 100% local capabilities and expertise, and is described as one of the symbols of Turkish engineering strength and capabilities.

The Komorhan Bridge project is considered one of the most important projects of the Turkish government in strengthening the land transportation network in the country, and it falls within the divided road projects implemented by the Turkish Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, through cooperation between the public and private sectors.

Source: Agencies

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