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In English

Tripartite summit between Putin, Aliyev and Pashinyan to discuss the Karabakh agreement

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan held a meeting, Monday, with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, to discuss the implementation of the tripartite agreement on Karabakh.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said during the meeting that the Russian mediation efforts aimed at a permanent ceasefire in Karabakh, where the agreement would be implemented gradually, noting the importance of defining the next steps for the settlement.

Putin added, “I would like to thank you, dear colleagues, for your positive response to the mediation efforts made by the Russian side, which were aimed at helping to stop the bloodshed, stabilize the situation and achieve a sustainable ceasefire.”

And Putin added, “Russia values ​​the partnership and good-neighborly relations that bind our countries and peoples, so we watched the outbreak of armed conflict with concern for the fate of the people.”

Armenia and Azerbaijan, under the auspices of Russia, signed a ceasefire agreement in Karabakh, which entered into force on November 10.

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