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In English

Dozens of children suffer in light of the deteriorating health conditions in Idlib camps

Most hospitals in Idlib governorate these days are witnessing overcrowding of sick children with bronchiolitis, amid their lack of medical points and their need for medicines after the high prices.

The camps lack heating materials, which makes most of them dependent on the remnants of waste, which has led to an increase in cases of children sick in the camps.

Firas al-Jundi, the medical director of the Kafr Rahmoul Center, north of Idlib, describes that at the present time, cases of bronchiolitis are frequent for children, as the number of pediatric patients in general is about 60 patients per day, indicating that the main reason is the large number of heating methods that lead to many diseases. Respiratory.

Symptoms of acute bronchitis usually last for a few days or weeks, but bronchitis that lasts ninety days is still often classified as acute, while bronchitis, which lasts for a longer period of months or years, is classified as chronic. When people use the term bronchitis, they often mean acute bronchitis.

Since its inception, the northern Syrian camps have lacked the means of health care, hygiene and water, and this increases the speed of the spread of diseases and epidemics, in light of the lack of medical care, and what made matters worse recently is the spread of the new Corona virus. in light of the deteriorating health conditions in Idlib camps.

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