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In English

Turkey is going to produce electricity from nuclear energy by 2023

Turkish Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Warank said that his country will start producing electric energy from the “Akkuyu” nuclear plant by 2023.

This came in statements he made, during a visit he made to the southern state of Adana, as part of a tour that includes the states of Mersin and Hatay as well.

The Turkish minister added that the government intends to operate the first unit of the Akkuyu nuclear power plant, in conjunction with the celebration of the centenary of the establishment of the Turkish Republic in 2023.

He stressed that operating the first unit of the aforementioned nuclear plant, Turkey would gain important experiences and capabilities in order to use its capabilities and technologies in this field.

He continued, “We continue our efforts to make Turkey a productive country in the field of nuclear technology.”

In December 2010, Turkey and Russia signed a cooperation agreement on the construction and operation of the “Akkuyu” station in Mersin.

Source: Anatolia

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