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In English

The Turkish religious endowment continues to respond to those affected in the northern Syrian camps

The Turkish endowment continues to help the needy, the poor, the people, and the displaced people affected by the floods in the camps of the Idlib region, northwestern Syria, by launching various relief campaigns to provide them with the necessary support.

Yesterday, Saturday, the Turkish Religious Endowment distributed food aid to the displaced living in camps in the northern countryside of Idlib, after their camps were flooded due to rainwater falling last week.
The aid was provided with the participation of a number of volunteers, in addition to the Turkish basketball player, Furqan Aldemir.

Last week, the Syria Response Coordination Team announced that 145 camps in northwestern Syria had been damaged as a result of heavy rain, and many roads leading to some camps were cut off.

The Turkish religious endowment continues to send relief, construction, and heating materials to the displaced on the Syrian-Turkish border, fleeing the bombing of the Assad regime and its ally Russia, to the Idlib region, which houses about 4 million civilians, most of whom live in poor humanitarian conditions.

More than a million and a half people, at the very least, live in fabric tents, in remote areas, including mountainous ones and others in valleys and on the sides of the roads, suffering the woes of the summer, its sea and the cold winter, looking forward day after day to the dawn of hope in which they return to their villages and destroyed homes.

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