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In English

Washington: We will renew efforts towards achieving a political settlement to end the war in Syria

Spokesman for the US State Department, Ned Price, said in a press statement, today, Wednesday: “Any political settlement must address the causes of the outbreak of the Syrian crisis.”

“The US administration will renew efforts towards achieving a political settlement to end the war in Syria, and include close consultations with our allies and partners in the United Nations,” Price added.

He explained, “The political process in Syria must address the main issues that led to the civil war that lasted for a decade,” noting that “the US administration denies its intention to appoint the former US and UN official, Jeffrey Feltman, as a special envoy to Syria.”

Price affirmed that Washington will put pressure on the Assad regime economically, to push it towards serious reform, hold it accountable, and follow up on the role of the United Nations in the political process, according to what was stated in UN Resolution 2254.

He noted, “The new US administration will regain its pioneering role in providing humanitarian aid to vulnerable internally displaced persons and refugees outside Syria, in light of the humanitarian catastrophe that they have been experiencing, for more than ten years.”

The co-chair of the Constitutional Committee, Hadi Al-Bahra, had previously confirmed, “The political transition in Syria is a political, economic, humanitarian, social, security, legal and international necessity as well. Obstructing this transition, obstructing it and postponing it continuously, all of these axes incur mounting costs.”

Source: Agencies

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