In English

An Israeli newspaper: Iran transferred sophisticated weapons to Syria last month

In a report, Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper said: “Iran has transferred sophisticated weapons and missiles to Syria during the past month.”

The newspaper added, “Part of this weapon was supposed to remain in Syria, while the other part was devoted to the Hezbollah militia.”

The newspaper, quoting Israeli army sources, said: “After the closure of the overland smuggling route for Iranian weapons to Syria, they have resumed again by air.”

The newspaper pointed out that the recent attack in Syria began after the smuggling of sophisticated weapons from Iran to Syria.

It confirmed that dozens of aircraft participated in the raids, and were able to hit their targets within a short time, as Iranian weapons and a large number of missile batteries were destroyed, noting that it was the sixth attack attributed to the Israeli army in the last month.

According to the newspaper, the goal of these Israeli attacks are messages to Iran that it will continue targeting arms shipments destined for Syria regardless of the identity of the administration in the United States, and it is also considered a message addressed to the Assad regime in Syria, whose army suffered the greatest losses from the attack, and also in response to Attempts to launch missiles at Israeli fighters in the Syrian airspace.

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