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In English

The goals of forming a new military council led by Brigadier General Manaf Tlass

Activists on social media circulated news confirming the formation of a military council that includes parties from the Syrian opposition and the Assad regime, led by Brigadier General Manaf Tlass.
The official of the media office of the Military Council, Mr. Mahmoud Al-Akl, told Fresh Online, “The Free Officers’ Association issued a statement supporting the formation of the Transitional Military Council, led by Brigadier General Manaf Tlass, in order to disarm and create a safe political environment for presidential elections without Bashar al-Assad.

Al-Akl added, “The Free Officers’ Association consists of 200 officers who have defected from the Assad regime and is headed by Brigadier General Talal Farzat.”

He stressed: “There is good international and regional acceptance about this project, and that there is a rally in the Syrian street around this council through statements issued by the majority of Syrian tribal leaders, and some political blocs that are compatible with this council.

It is noteworthy that Brigadier General Manaf Tlass is the son of the former Assad regime’s defense minister, Mustafa Tlass, and he defected from the Assad regime forces in 2012.

The Free Officers’ Association had announced in a statement, “Brigadier General Manaf Tlass is able to gather all the defected officers, in addition to some officers of the Assad regime who did not participate in brutal practices against the Syrians in one body, indicating that this matter may not be done by anyone.

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