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In English

Turkish demands to stop the United States’ support for the Syrian Democratic Forces

On Thursday, Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin called on the United States to end its support for the Syrian Democratic Forces and to stop the activities of the “Gulen” terrorist organization on Turkish territory.

In his statements, kalin said that he discussed, last Tuesday, during a phone call with US National Security Adviser Jack Sullivan, a number of issues and controversial issues and other matters of common interest between Washington and Ankara.

He added, “There are three main issues that have caused tension in our relations with the American administrations, which began in the Obama era, and went greatly into the era of Trump, who unfortunately did not take his administration at least tangible steps to comfort us about these issues.”

In the same context, he added, “Now we cannot ignore the facts, but we have no intention of completely turning the tables. This is where the role of diplomacy becomes clear. That is, to be able to negotiate and talk about these issues.

“During the next few days, it is possible that there will be contact between the foreign ministers of the two countries, provided that the same thing will happen in the coming weeks,” kalin indicated that “there is no specific date now, between President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Biden.”

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