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In English

A university professor postpones a lecture to stop the bread queue in the Assad regime areas

A professor at the Technical Engineering College at Tartous University affiliated to the Assad regime criticized the reckless living situation by announcing the postponement of a university lecture, as it coincided with the time for standing in a queue waiting for bread.

University professor Qais Abboud said in a post on his Facebook page, “The date of bread is not postponed. I had a master’s lecture that I postponed to stand on the role of bread, because bread comes at ten, and I discovered that bread is more important than knowledge. With bread alone, man lives.”

The bread crisis has escalated in the Assad regime’s areas during the past two months, and with the loss of bread from the bakeries, Syrians in the Assad regime-controlled areas are forced to buy bread from the black market at about 3 times the specified price.

And recently, the voices of the Assad regime’s loyalists, including artists, media figures and other personalities, spoke about the poor living conditions that have become in Syria, especially the constant electricity cuts and the loss of bread and gas.

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