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US sanctions on those involved in the killing of Khashoggi

The US administration imposed sanctions on those directly involved in the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, following the release of the US intelligence report on his murder case, while House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called on her country’s government to reassess the relationship with Saudi Arabia.

The US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on Major General Ahmed al-Asiri, the former deputy chief of Saudi intelligence, and the Saudi Rapid Intervention Force for their involvement in the assassination of Khashoggi.

The site “Bloomberg”: “The administration of US President Joe Biden is in the process of determining a list of 76 Saudis who may be subject to sanctions under what it calls Khashoggi’s policy,” adding that “Washington is looking to impose accountability measures for the killing of the Saudi journalist.”

the site also reported that the State Department sent a fact sheet to US lawmakers announcing a new policy of imposing visa restrictions for individuals who act on behalf of a foreign government and are believed to be directly involved in anti-opposition activities outside of regional borders.

The Saudi Foreign Ministry said: “The American report included abusive and incorrect conclusions about the Kingdom’s leadership that cannot be accepted,” adding that the Kingdom “condemned Khashoggi’s murder and took the necessary steps to ensure that such an incident did not recur.”

The Saudi Foreign Ministry rejected any order that would affect the leadership, sovereignty, and independence of the Kingdom’s judiciary, confirming what was issued by the competent authorities in Saudi Arabia that the crime constitutes a flagrant violation of the Kingdom’s laws and values, and was committed by a group that violated all regulations and violated the powers of the agencies in which they were working.

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