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In English

Biden intends to publish an advertisement against Saudi Arabia in connection with Khashoggi’s murder

US President Joe Biden revealed that he intends to make an announcement, on Monday, related to Saudi Arabia, against the publication backdrop of the Director of National Intelligence report, which indicated that “Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman ordered the arrest or killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

In response to a question about the possibility of imposing sanctions on the Saudi crown prince, Biden said, in a press conference yesterday, “There will be an announcement Monday about what we will do with Saudi Arabia in general,” according to US News.

The CIA concluded in its report, which was published Friday, that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman “approved the kidnapping or killing of Khashoggi, as he viewed him as a threat to the Kingdom, and supported the use of violent measures if necessary to silence him.”

Meanwhile, the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced in a statement, on Friday, its “categorical rejection” of “abusive and incorrect conclusions about the Kingdom’s leadership” stated in the report.

Khashoggi was killed on October 2, 2018, inside the Riyadh consulate in Istanbul, in a case that shook international public opinion.

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