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In English

Foreign Ministry: Assad regime condemns the US and European sanctions on Russia

The “Foreign Ministry” of the Assad regime condemned the sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union against Russia over the arrest of the Kremlin opponent Alexei Navalny.

The Assad regime’s Foreign Ministry said: “We strongly condemn the unlawful unilateral coercive measures taken by the United States and the European Union against Russia, which in principle contradict international law and constitute a flagrant violation of Russian internal affairs.”

It considered that “these measures practiced by the West in its continuous attempts to impose its policies on other countries, and will not only escalate tension and spread an atmosphere of instability in the international arena,” she said.

It called for “the immediate lifting of such illegal measures and the restoration of international law in order to preserve peace and stability in the world.”

Earlier last Wednesday, Washington imposed sanctions on seven senior Russian officials and 14 entities, in coordination with the European Union, which imposed sanctions, mostly symbolic, on four prominent Russian officials.

Source: Agencies

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