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In English

US strategic bombers flew a patrol mission over the Middle East

On Sunday, two strategic bombers, B-52 Stratofortress, carried out a multinational air patrol over the Middle East, according to the US military.

The US Central Command stated in a statement, that “the air patrol was carried out with the aim of deterring aggression and reassuring allies and partners of the US military’s commitment to security in the region,” as they claim.

According to the statement, aircraft belonging to several countries, including Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, accompanied the two bombers during the patrol in stages, in addition to fighters belonging to the US Air Force.

The patrol is the fourth deployment of bombers in the Middle East since the beginning of this year, according to the statement.

It is noteworthy that the US Central Command announced in November 2020 the deployment of B-52 bombers in the Middle East, in order to deter aggression and reassure US partners and allies.

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