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The Assad regime approves a new civil status law and activists consider it a step in withdrawing nationality from millions of Syrians

Parliament of the Assad regime issued a new law related to civil status, consisting of 79 articles.

According to the new law, the period for renewing an identity card is not more than six months and not less than a month for renewal.

According to the pro-Assad media, according to Interior Minister Muhammad al-Rahmoun, “work according to the new card will be automated.”

Rahmoun claimed that “the new card is distinguished by its containment of a“ SIM ”card through which personal information, such as a fingerprint, is entered and is not judged.

Rahmoun added, “The new ID card will be announced by the Ministry of the Interior when the executive instructions for the law are issued.”

Commenting on the decision of the Parliament of the Assad regime, a member of the Board of the Free Lawyers Syndicate in Hama, lawyer Abdel Nasser Hoshan, told Farsh Online: “The Assad regime aims, through the new procedures, to prepare for the date of the presidential elections scheduled to take place in the middle of next April, which requires Syrian law.

The election preparation committee shall prepare the general electoral register stipulated in Chapter Four. This committee is composed of the Ministry of the Interior and Justice and the Central Bureau of Statistics.

Hoshan added that the ID card, as defined by the Civil Status Law, is “a card that identifies a person,” so there is no legal effect on not obtaining it on the nationality of Syrians because nationality has a special law that includes its provisions in terms of entitlement and deprivation.

Hoshan indicated that the Assad regime seeks to open a new door to earning money to get out of the financial hardship it is going through as a result of the international sanctions imposed on it.

In a statement it issued, the Ministry of Interior of the Assad regime’s government issued a statement last Tuesday, after citizens circulated news of the invalidity of identity cards shortly after the People’s Assembly approved the new civil status bill.
The ministry said in its statement that “the current ID card is still valid.”

The Ministry added, “It is not necessary to replace the current card until the issuance of an announcement for the new cards, indicating that there is no new issuance of the ID card.”

Syrians at home and abroad interacted with irony on the new draft law, and activists and human rights activists believed that “the project aims in reality to deprive millions of citizens in areas outside the control of the Assad regime and refugees of nationality, by placing obstacles and obstacles in front of them to obtain an ID card.”

Over the past years, no weapon remained but the Assad regime used it in suppressing the people’s revolution, leading it to deny millions of Syrians their legitimate civil rights affirmed by all international norms and laws.
Prepared by Hamza Al-Abdullah

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