In English

Turkey affirms its solidarity with the Syrian revolution until the achievement of its goals in its tenth anniversary

The Turkish Foreign Ministry affirmed in a statement, yesterday, Sunday, that Turkey will continue solidarity with the Syrian people and their legitimate representatives to achieve the goals of the Syrian revolution, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of its launch.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry stated, “Half a million innocent civilians lost their lives during the last decade in which the regime forces met with repression and violence, the peaceful demonstrations launched by the Syrian people (in 2011) to demand democracy, justice, rights and freedom.”

The statement stated that “this decade witnessed the displacement of half of the Syrian people,” indicating that the pain that has befallen the Syrian people throughout this decade will have a lasting impact for generations.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry saluted the Syrian people, who did not give up their struggle for rights and freedom even under these circumstances, adding that it hopes “God Almighty will bestow mercy on our brothers who lost their lives.”

The Turkish Foreign Ministry stressed that 13.4 million Syrians in the country today need humanitarian aid, 2.4 million children lack education, and 5.9 million people are homeless, noting that the outbreak of the Corona virus has resulted in further damage to civilians.

The statement pointed out that Turkey attaches great importance to protecting the unity of the political entity of Syria and its territorial integrity, preserving the truce, and making efforts to provide the safety of refugees and their voluntary return to their country.

The statement stressed that Turkey will continue its active efforts in the field and at the dialogue table in order to find a lasting solution based on UN Security Council Resolution 2254, under the auspices of the United Nations, and at the end of the course is a political phase that the Syrians will adopt.

The statement emphasized that Turkey has been following since history the concept of Relief for the Disabled, hosting 3.7 million Syrians on its territory, and assuming a pioneering role in meeting their urgent needs.

The Foreign Ministry added that Turkey will continue with determination to combat all terrorist organizations that pose an existential threat to the Syrian territorial integrity and Turkish national security, especially the Islamic State and the Syrian Democratic Forces, stressing that it will not tolerate efforts aimed at legitimizing the separatist agendas of terrorist organizations.

At the conclusion of the statement, Turkey affirmed that it would continue solidarity with the Syrian people and their legitimate representatives to achieve these goals.

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