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In English

Turkish Health Organization organized a medical symposium in Al-Rai city, east of Aleppo

The city of Al-Rai, in the eastern countryside of Aleppo, hosted the second medical symposium under the auspices of the Turkish Ministry of Health, with the participation of doctors from the two countries in order to exchange experiences.

The “second medical symposium and workshop for mass trauma surgeries” were organized on Friday and Saturday at the “Guban Bay” Hospital, which is located on the borders of Turkey.

The symposium and workshop come within the framework of Turkey’s continuous efforts to support Syrians in the health field, given the great damage that the region has suffered as a result of the recent battles.

A number of Turkish doctors specializing in different fields from the University of Health Sciences participated in the event held at the “Guban Bay” Hospital, which was established by Turkey.

Turkish and Syrian doctors exchanged experiences regarding planning the hospital’s work in case of mass trauma, as well as surgeries in cases such as injury.

The college officially opened its doors in the liberated city on March 16, based on the decision of the Turkish Presidency issued on February 5.
Source: Anatolia

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