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In English

UN Adviser: Seeks to help in the future

The United Nations started in the wedding ceremony for the services provided for their integration in countries of their countries, but the United Nations will make efforts to solve them, in order to solve the integration of refugees in their countries, their countries in the economies of their countries.

United Nations, United Nations, markets, creativity,
Emerging countries in international relations: “Emerging countries in international relations:”
For friends, by 1 in.

The solutions for providing special services have been developed by providing their own services by providing their own services.

The global economic crisis caused the spread of the Coronavirus, and in 2019 this indicator represented 89 percent of Syrian refugees in poverty, while in 2019 this indicator was about
55 in.

The activities of the Brussels Fifth Conference began at the Brussels Conference, on Wednesday, with joint participation from the European Union and the United Nations, and the European Union said in a statement, the aim of the Brussels Conference is “to meditate on supporting the Syrian people and to mobilize the international community in support to solve the problem.

A comprehensive and reliable political of the conflict in Syria, in line with the Security Council, Security Council 2254.

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