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In English

More than 12,000 displaced people in camps in northwestern Syria have been affected by rainstorms

The Syria Response Coordinators team documented that more than 12,000 displaced people in camps in northwestern Syria were affected by rainstorms, during the month of March.

The team said in a statement on the conditions of the camps, that the number of people affected by the first rainfalls on the 12th of last March reached 3,847 people, without any injuries or victims recorded, indicating that 26 tents were completely destroyed, and 132 tents were partially damaged.

As for the second rainfalls on March 26, it affected 8,742 people in 98 camps, as 139 tents were completely destroyed, while 277 tents were partially damaged.

With regard to the outbreak of fires in the camps in March, the response coordinators team recorded the outbreak of 14 fires in the tents of the displaced, which resulted in the death of a child, in addition to damaging 19 tents.

During March, the number of registered cases of Coronavirus in the camps reached 32, compared to ten cases in February.

On Friday, northwestern Syria witnessed heavy rain for more than 12 hours, without information on the extent of the damage.
The number of displaced people in the camps in northwestern Syria is more than one million and 48 thousand displaced people, and they live in 1,304 camps, of which 393 are random camps, in which about 188 thousand of the total number of displaced reside, according to the Syria Response Coordinators.

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