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In English

A huge mass of sulfur dioxide is sweeping across the Eastern Mediterranean countries

Meteorologists have warned that a huge mass of “toxic” sulfur dioxide gas will invade Syria, Lebanon and the general eastern Mediterranean.

Weather forecast and a member of the expert committee at the World Meteorological Organization, Sadiq Attia, said in a tweet on Twitter that: “According to what environmental maps monitor, a huge wave of sulfur dioxide (So2) is heading towards the Levant, then Iraq and Turkey. “It was thrown by the volcano Etna on the Italian island of Sicily, which erupted for the seventeenth time in a row on Friday night.”

Attia pointed out that “sulfur dioxide is a toxic gas if its concentration increases in the air. It is colorless and has a pungent odor. It is naturally formed from volcanic activity and from the decomposition of organic matter.”

According to the source, it is possible to manufacture this gas also by burning sulfur or heating mineral sulfur compounds, and this gas is released into the atmosphere from oil refineries, factories and power plants that consume coal or oil.

In this atmosphere, people breathe sulfur dioxide, which irritates the membranes of the eyes and respiratory system, and can dissolve in water droplets to form harmful acid rain.

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