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In English

The political body in the National Coalition holds its periodic meeting to discuss developments in the Syrian file

Yesterday, Tuesday, the political committee in the National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces held its regular meeting to discuss the latest field and political developments in the liberated north of Syria.

The commission held its meeting under the chairmanship of Dr. Nasr Al-Hariri, and some departments, offices and committees submitted reports of their work and activities in the last period.

The head of the National Coalition presented the results of the international meetings and meetings that he had held in the past period, which focused on pushing the political process and renewing the international resolution on bringing humanitarian aid to Syria across borders and by more than one crossing.

Hariri said, “We saw administrative, governmental and military models that deserve praise, following our visit to the eastern Euphrates region, and the meetings that we had in the cities of Tal Abyad and Ras Al-Ain east of the Euphrates with officials and leaders in the local councils, the military and civil police, and some other service institutions.”

He added, “The field trips in the liberated areas provided the opportunity for the National Coalition to learn about the reality of the region and follow the positives and negatives, stressing” the need to stand up to all observations and respond to the grievances of their owners. “

The political commission discussed mechanisms to review the legal system by reviewing the Syrian state’s legislation, removing everything related to authoritarian policies, and developing them to achieve justice and the aspirations of the Syrian people.

It discussed the completion of the constitutional chapters, where two papers were presented on the executive and the legislative authority, within the framework of reaching a full constitutional vision and supporting the delegation of the negotiating body in the work of the Syrian Constitutional Committee.

The political commission issued a decision to create the Central Authority for Control and Inspection, and after the coalition tour in northeastern Syria, the members decided to assign the Syrian Interim Government to study the establishment of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.

Source: Syrian National Coalition

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