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In English

UNICEF: 800 million children around the world face the risk of school closures

The United Nations Children’s Fund “UNICEF” warned of the dangers of school closures as a result of the outbreak of the Corona epidemic, noting that 800 million children around the world are still deprived of going to school and education, and many of them face the risk of not returning to school permanently.

The head of education at the United Nations agency, Robert Jenkins, said that 90 countries around the world offer a mixture of distance learning and personal learning, or even that most schools are still closed.

He added, “I did not imagine that it will continue for a long time in all of our scenarios in which we plan for disruption.This possibility has never been raised,” stressing that “the closures have disrupted children’s education in an unimaginable way.”

He revealed that 1.6 billion children around the world were prevented from going to school at the height of the Corona epidemic, and that after a year, 800 million children still suffer from partial or complete disruption in education.

UNICEF announced last month that schools accommodating more than 168 million children around the world had been closed due to the outbreak of the Corona epidemic and warned of dire consequences due to the continued closure of schools.

Source: Agencies

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