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Russian Foreign Ministry: We will respond to the new US sanctions in an inevitable and thoughtful manner

The Russian Foreign Ministry said it had informed the US ambassador to Moscow, John Salvan, that Russia would respond to the new US sanctions.

In a statement, the ministry confirmed that Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov held a meeting with Salvan, where he “gave a preliminary appreciation for the unacceptable measures by the American side, which dealt a new painful blow to relations with Russia despite his announcement of the intention to build them in a pragmatic way.

The statement stated that the US ambassador was informed that “a series of response measures will be taken as soon as possible” in response to the sanctions imposed by the United States.

The ministry stressed that “the American side’s attempts to warn against continuing the escalation are totally inappropriate”, but Washington with the transfer of power from one administration to another, only aggravate the situation, and did not respond to our positive impulses.

On Thursday, the United States announced broad sanctions against Russia, including measures targeting 32 people and entities, the application of a ban on purchasing Russian government bonds, starting from June 14, and the expulsion of 10 Russian diplomats.

The Russian Foreign Ministry confirmed that Moscow’s response to these sanctions “will be inevitable and deliberate” and will be announced as soon as possible.

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