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In English

The number of asylum seekers seeking European protection has decreased compared to previous years

The number of asylum seekers in the European Union has decreased compared to previous years, as the number of asylum seekers reached 281 thousand in 2020, the majority of whom are Syrians.

According to recent statistics issued by the European Statistics Office, the number of people who obtained protection status in 2020 decreased by 5% compared to the previous year, as this number reached 295,600 in 2019.

Statistics indicate that 74,700 Syrians have obtained protection status in European countries, accounting for 27% of the total number, followed by Venezuelans by 17%, and Afghans by 15%.

Germany granted protection to the largest number of asylum seekers, reaching 98,000, followed by Spain with 51,000, Greece with 36,000, France with 29,000, and Italy with 21,000.

It is worth noting that Europe witnessed an unprecedented wave of asylum in 2015, with its reception of more than a million asylum seekers, which prompted it to tighten asylum procedures in subsequent years to reduce the flow of refugees and migrants to its lands.

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