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In English

The National Army repels an infiltration attempt by the Syrian Democratic Forces, north of Aleppo

Yesterday, Wednesday, the National Army managed to counter an infiltration attempt by the Syrian Democratic Forces on the two fronts of Kafr Khashir and Kafr Kalbin, north of Aleppo, amid Turkish artillery shelling on the latter’s sites.

The leader of the National Army, Captain Saad Tiba, said in an exclusive interview with Fresh Online, “The Syrian Democratic Forces, recently supported by the Iranian Revolutionary War Forces, are stationed along the front line in the northern countryside of Aleppo, trying to advance towards the points of Kafr Kalbin, south of the city of Azaz.”

Medical added, “The Third Corps forces responded to this attempt, and managed to kill 9 members of the Syrian Democratic Forces, inflicting heavy losses on them in equipment and seizing some weapons.”

“The Syrian Democratic Forces tried to infiltrate at night to the points of the Syrian National Army’s Third Corps on the Kafr Kalbin front,” the official of the Media Office in Aleppo, Serageldin, told Fresh.

Al-Din confirmed, “The Syrian Democratic Forces have targeted the points of Rabat with light and medium weapons, and they have targeted them, inflicting heavy losses on lives and equipment.”

The SDF continues to infiltrate the liberated areas in the northern countryside of Aleppo, with the aim of taking more areas and controlling them, but most of the time the National Army is able to counter these attempts, and the axes of the northern countryside of Aleppo have already witnessed many attacks and previous infiltration attempts.

The National Army controls large areas of the northern countryside of Aleppo, after battles that were fought, with the support of the Turkish army, against the “state” organization and the Syrian Democratic Forces, earlier.

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