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In English

An American official reveals his country’s policy in Syria

A high-ranking American official in the US State Department affirmed his country’s commitment to the stability and prosperity of the region in Syria, and this came during a press conference yesterday, Thursday.

The official added that the concentration of US forces in northeastern Syria is directed at fighting “extremist organizations,” and that their presence does not focus on anything else, such as protecting oil and exploiting oil resources in Syria, as they belong to the Syrian people, and that they do not own any of these resources nor control them.
Or they manage it, and they have no desire to.

The official emphasized that the US government will continue to increase its humanitarian response to the crisis in Syria by working with partners, to ensure re-authorization of cross-border passage of aid to Syria.

While the top US general for Middle East affairs, Frank McKenzie, visited northeastern Syria on May 22, where he met with the commander of the “Syrian Democratic Forces” Mazloum Abdi, during his day-long visit at an undisclosed military base in eastern Syria.

Abdi said, in a tweet, that they discussed the security and economic challenges in the region, stressing “the continued presence of coalition forces and joint cooperation to combat ISIS and efforts to protect the region and its stability.”

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