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In English

80 new cases of corona virus were recorded in northern Syria

The epidemiological surveillance laboratory of the Early Warning and Response Network Program in the Support Coordination Unit revealed 80 new infections and two deaths from Coronavirus in the liberated north of Syria.

The network concerned with monitoring the outcomes of Corona in northern Syria indicated that the new infections were recorded, raising the total number to 23,143, recovering 20,605 cases, and 666 deaths.

The network indicated that it has confirmed new deaths in the areas of Aleppo and Idlib, which suggests that the announced toll will increase during the daily disclosure of the outcome of the epidemic in the liberated north of Syria.

While the network recorded 64 new injuries in the “Spring of Peace” areas in the northeast of the country, bringing the number of injuries to 1,176, 191 cases of recovery and 13 deaths, after two new deaths were recorded.

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