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In English

Moludoglu: The United States wants to cooperate with Turkey on important files, including Syria

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that the United States wants to cooperate with Turkey on many files, including Syria.

This came in statements during an interview with the Turkish state channel TRT, during which he talked about a number of local and international issues.

Moludoglu stressed that “the United States wants to work with Turkey better during this period regarding Syria.”

Moludoglu added, “It was completely separate from the Syrian issue for a while, and it was only interested in its northeast, and the Trump administration was not interested in Libya, but Washington is now closely interested in the Libyan issue.”

“We see a desire by the United States to cooperate with us on many files from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea and even the Caucasus, and not only in the issues of Libya and Syria,” Davutoglu said.

At the end of last year, Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin expressed his confidence that his country’s relations with the United States of America would be good and positive during the era of the new President Joe Biden, especially with regard to the files of the region.

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