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147 Cases and 7 deaths from the Coronavirus were recorded in various Syrian regions

During the past 24 hours, all Syrian regions recorded 147 new infections with the Coronavirus, and 7 deaths.

The Epidemiological Surveillance Laboratory of the Support Coordination Unit announced the registration of one death, 100 new infections with the Corona virus, 33 of them in the “Spring of Peace” region, bringing the total to 26,234, of whom 704 died, compared to the recovery of 21,456 cases.

The “Health Authority” in the so-called “self-management” announced the registration of 3 deaths and 27 new infections with the Corona virus, bringing the total number of infections to 18,193, including 744 deaths, and 1,841 cases of recovery.

The Assad regime’s Ministry of Health announced that 20 new infections were recorded, bringing the total to 24,743, while the death toll rose to 1,804 after 3 new deaths were announced, compared to 21,658 cures.

Thus, the total number of infections in all Syrian regions reached 69,170, including 3,252 deaths, and 44,955 cases of recovery.
For more than two weeks, northwestern Syria and “Spring of Peace” have witnessed a noticeable increase in the number of coronavirus infections, amid health authorities warning of a “new peak” phase of the coronavirus in the region.

The medical sector in northwestern Syria suffers from a significant shortage of medical equipment and logistical equipment related to the Corona epidemic, in addition to the absence of support.

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