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In English

The Independent International Commission of Inquiry: A mechanism must be established to reveal the fate of the missing in Syria

The head of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria stressed the importance of establishing a mechanism to reveal the fate of the missing and detainees and the immediate release of all those arbitrarily detained and reunited with their relatives.

The Chairman of the Commission of Inquiry, Paulo Pinheiro, explained in a meeting with members of the United Nations Human Rights Council that took place in its forty-seventh session, that “this matter was a priority for the commission, which has been pushing for the formation of a mechanism since 2016, noting that” despite the continued response insufficiently in the Security Council, there now appears to be some momentum behind the creation of a missing persons mechanism.”

He stressed the importance of the international community facilitating the establishment of an independent mechanism with an international mandate, in close consultation with survivors, families and relevant organizations, noting that they “deserve an effective mechanism to document the disappearance of their loved ones and trace their fate and whereabouts.”

He noted that “if the international community cannot put an immediate end to this conflict, it must at least act now to deal with the problem of tens of thousands of families waiting for news of their missing relatives.” According to Pinheiro, there are more than 2.7 million displaced people stranded in living conditions are increasingly miserable in Idlib province.

Pinheiro added, “Most of the detainees in the camps in northeastern Syria are foreign nationals, and several countries continue to evade their obligations, and children are the victims in the first place.”

He pointed out that “children at the age of 10 have known nothing but war, which has had a shocking impact on them, and a high rate of suicide among children has been noted, and young girls are at risk of being forced into marriage or ending their education.” to investigate this matter.

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