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In English

Revolutionary factions target with missiles the positions of the Assad regime in Lattakia and al-Ghab plain

The revolutionary factions bombed with missiles the positions of the Assad regime forces in Latakia and Al-Ghab plain, yesterday evening, Monday, recording material and human casualities.

Fresh’s reporter said that the revolutionary factions targeted with missiles the gatherings of the Assad regime forces and the Russian forces and weapons depots in the tents of the “Al-Burkan” checkpoint, west of the Al-Ghab Plain, which resulted in a fire and successive explosions, in addition to causing deaths and injuries.

Our correspondent added that the revolutionary factions bombed with dozens of missiles the gatherings of the Assad regime forces and the Russian forces in Lattakia, Shata, Gorin and Naour Goren, in response to targeting civilians and committing massacres in Idlib countryside.

Captain Naji al-Mustafa, a spokesman for the National Liberation Front, said in a previous statement on his account on “Telegram” that the artillery and missile regiment targeted and destroyed heavy artillery of the Assad regime forces in the southern countryside of Aleppo, after targeting them with a number of Grad missiles.

Al-Mustafa clarified that a joint operations command headquarters between the Russian forces and the Assad regime forces were targeted with a number of 155 mm shells on the axis of the city of Maarat al-Numan, south of Idlib.

He confirmed that the artillery and missile regiment was able to destroy an artillery position to launch laser missiles on the Hamidiya axis in the countryside of Maarat al-Numan, after it was targeted by Grad missiles.

He pointed out that the headquarters of the Assad regime forces were destroyed in Khan al-Sabil area, south of Idlib, as a result of being targeted by a number of Katyusha rockets, and sites and gatherings of the regime forces were targeted in the town of Gorin, west of Hama, with Grad rockets.

The bombing campaign launched by the revolutionary factions came in response to the bombing of civilian homes by the Assad regime and Russia’s forces in the Jabal Al-Zawiya area in the southern countryside of Idlib, according to “Al-Mustafa.”

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